Survivor Story: The Power of One Moment
Have you ever had one of those “déjà vu” moments? They can transport you back many years and bring back a host of feelings – completely beyond our control. So it was with the client featured in the following survivor story. Serendipity brought her back to the WCA as part of a volunteer effort organized by her current employer. Walking the familiar halls and seeing the familiar sights brought back a flood of emotions for her. Hearing her story made a tremendous impression on us and we hope on you as well.
In one of several rooms along a hallway on the upper floor of the WCA, a room that used to house families, a woman named Holly stood motionless. She was looking out the window and seemed, for a brief moment, to be in another time and place.
Eleven years ago, after a particularly violent altercation with her husband, Holly and her children found safety in that room, part of the WCA’s secure shelter, for close to three weeks. During that time, the family met with counselors, court advocates and a case manager to begin the difficult and painful process of moving on.

The countdown to the end of the year has begun and we are all immersed in the holiday season. Outside may be cold, but our hearts are warmed when we take a moment to reflect on those individuals and things that bring us joy. We are invited to say thank you and give back.
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Staff Spotlight: Sara Spitler
We have some amazing staff here at the WCA and we would like to take a moment and feature just one of them!
What is your full name?
Sara Spitler
What is your job title at the WCA?
Client Advocate
What do you do in your job at the WCA?
I work at Serena’s House and am there for whatever the residents need. I also answer the Crisis Hotline.
Donor Spotlight: Girls Give Thanks Party
Anyone can give back to the WCA in thoughtful and wonderful ways. Rachel Tory and Cate Wile are just one example of this. These girls were inspired to have a birthday party theme of putting together “Tween” gift baskets for our shelter. They called it a “Girls Give Thanks” party instead of a birthday party.
Volunteer Spotlight: Grace Rice
This month we are highlighting one of our two Jesuit Volunteer Northwest AmeriCorps Members who is serving at the WCA for the next year.
What do you do in your volunteer role at the WCA?
I am a child care specialist.
How long have you been a volunteer?
Since August, so almost 4 months.
Our community is constantly giving back and supporting our clients on their journey to safety, healing and freedom. We would like to highlight just a few special cases from the month of November. Thank you to each individual who supports us throughout the year. Our work is only possible through community support.
Corporate Pillar Spotlight: Fancy Pants
Here at the WCA, we are so grateful for all of our amazing Corporate Pillars. Our work relies upon community support and having so many local businesses and organizations choose to join us on the road to providing safety, healing and freedom is awe-inspiring. One business that amazes us is Fancy Pants; a local clothing store that you can find in the heart of downtown Boise.
Fancy Pants has been in business for nine years now and they work to bring the best of fashion to our community. This store has a wide and carefully selected inventory including denim, tops, dresses, sweaters, and coats. They are always striving to provide exactly what fits their clients’ needs and lifestyles. More than that though, owners Courtney Allen and Jaime Petrilli dedicate themselves to creating a healthy and safe community.
Our lists of needed items are updated monthly and always available on our website. New items from this list below can be dropped off at the WCA lobby at 720 W Washington St. M-F from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Bath towels (10 needed)
- Baby wipes
- Blow Dryers-3 needed
- Hangers-5 packages needed
- Pillows- 20 needed
- Portable DVD players – 4 needed
- Postage stamps – 4 books needed
- Pull-Ups (boys and girls) 2T, 3T, 4T and 5T – 5 packs each
- Seasonal Children’s Outfits, Boy’s and Girl’s, All Sizes
- Sit and Ride Toddler Toys
- Thomas the Tank Engine Toys
Bea Black, Executive Director
Once again I have had the privilege of hearing stories from clients about how the wonderful WCA staff helped them as they moved forward on their life’s journey, and witnessed the incredible generosity of our donors as they made this life changing work possible. In addition, this year the WCA embarked on the first Capital Campaign in over a decade and the first one to fund the construction of a brand new building since 1940!
Susan Kelley, Development Director
Tree-lighting ceremonies, photos with Santa, a gingerbread house-the holidays are upon us! This is truly the most wonderful time of year at the WCA. Those of us lucky enough to work here are so grateful for all of these special experiences. We get to see families’ faces light up when their sponsoring donors bring in the presents they have so hopefully dreamed of. Santa drops by the shelter and the children get to experience a wonderful party and receive a special gift.
Bev La Chance, Deputy Director
I’ve been decorating my home for the holidays. I cannot believe the amount of decorations that I’ve accumulated over the years. I still have the tree ornament that my son made out of a walnut shell and, believe or not, I still have more than a handful of fruit loop hanging ornaments (at least I call them ornaments).
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Upcoming Events
Mark Your Calendar!
Truckload of Warmth
November-Second Week of December
Click here for more information
Saturdays in December
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December 9, 2015
Click here for more information
AKL No Shave November
December 9, 2015
Click here for more information
Call for Artists
Local artists are needed for Metamorphosis: An Art Experience at Art Source Gallery. This month-long exhibit benefits the WCA. A fundraising night will be held on January 14, from 6-9 p.m. Learn more about applying to showcase your art here.
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