Clients can complete a personalized safety plan with trained WCA personnel. Sessions are available by appointment only. Please call 208.343.3688 ext. 0200. This FREE educational service is open to the community.
Safety Planning
- Is a one-on-one session to assist a client with evaluating their individual situation and then creating a plan to respond to the associated risks.
- Is encouraged for any person (men, women, adolescents) who is feeling unsafe due to abuse, harassment, or stalking.
- Is encouraged for any person seeking to modify or lift a current Criminal No Contact Order.
- Utilizes a tool designed to incorporate standard safety protocol, patterns of previous behavior, and individualized options so as to effectively reduce risk of harm.
- Educates people about the cycle of violence, preparing for the occurrence of violence, and implementing safety strategies during an incident as well as after leaving a relationship.
- Addresses additional implications such as legal orders, technology, children, and emotional health.
If you have been referred by the courts and have an upcoming court hearing to consider a change or termination of a Criminal No Contact Order, please contact a WCA Court Advocate at least one week prior to your appearance to ensure appointment availability.