Bre Young- Philanthropy Specialist
Welcome to 2021! We are ecstatic to start this new year with you and continue your involvement as one of our treasured ambassadors. My name is Bre Young and I am the new Philanthropy Specialist & Ambassador Lead at the WCA! My deep investment in storytelling and community healing stems from the phenomenal healing communities I have experienced first hand. I now have the opportunity to give back in intentional ways and am jazzed!
We will be having 30 min monthly virtual Ambassador Events, Education & Work sessions called Brie w/ Bre | Chats Over Cheese to get to know one another and make some engagement connections happen in our community!
Upcoming Tours & Events are as follows:
WCA Tour Dates:
Tour Sign-Up Here
Brie w/ Bre | Chats Over Cheese Dates:
Brie w/ Bre Sign-Up Here
1:1 Bre Chats | virtual/masked
Bre Calendar Sign-Ups
Excited to see you all, get to know you, and get 2021 movin’ and groovin’ at the WCA!
In Healing,
Bre Young