24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Corporate Pillar Spotlight: Chandlers

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

chandlers-newRex Chandler, owner of Chandlers Prime Steaks and Fine Seafood, has been a tremendous supporter of the WCA’s work in the community. Rex is a veteran and award-winning restaurateur who previously worked in Hawaii, California and Sun Valley, Idaho. His downtown Boise restaurant offers fine-dining and live jazz music seven days a week. Rex often shares his compassion for WCA’s clients with his staff and customers. Each spring, he and his wife Mary Beth host a special event on Mother’s Day to help provide essential funding for our Serena’s House shelter and community clients. This year’s event was a huge success, bringing awareness of the WCA’s needs and accomplishments to hundreds of people.

Why support the WCA? Rex says, “I believe that it’s fundamentally important for members of our community to pay forward the good fortune we are blessed to have.  Being raised by a single mom, I understand the challenges single moms are faced with and believe that the WCA is the most worthy of our efforts and charitable hearts.”

Heartfelt thanks to Rex Chandler and MaryBeth and all their staff for their extraordinary support of the WCA.

For more information about our Corporate Pillars program, please contact Lisa at [email protected] or by phone at 343-3688, ext. 45.

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