What is your full name?
Robin Lynn Jenkins
What is your preferred name?
What is your job title at the WCA?
Accounting Associate
What do you do in your job at the WCA?
Accounts payable, payroll, various accounting tasks, Investment and Finance Committee correspondence and note taking for all meetings, and accounts receivable tracking.
How long have you been with the WCA?
I have been at the WCA for 4 months.
Where did you work prior to joining the WCA team?
I worked for a small frozen foods broker in Boise, ID.
What do you find most rewarding about your work at the WCA?
I love what the WCA does for the community and it is very rewarding to be a part of this organization.
How have you changed or grown as a person through your work here?
I believe that I have grown as a person by working here, simply because of my new found awareness of what is going on in the community. I am amazed at the generosity of our donors and I am amazed at the need of our services as well.
Is there a memorable moment or story that you’d like to share that you have experienced at the WCA?
During the SueB marathon, I had a gentlemen and his two young adult daughters stop me and my two daughters to ask me what SueB was. As I explained to them the story of what happened to Susan and what our organization does for the women and children of the community who are victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride for being a part of this great organization.