A WCA staff member prepares an activity in the drop-in childcare facility at the Washington Street location in downtown Boise. Photo Courtesy of WCA.
December 20, 2018
For Immediate Release
Funds to Support Childcare Program for Residential and Community Clients
Boise, Idaho – The Women’s and Children’s Alliance (WCA) has been awarded a grant of $4,000 from the Whittenberger Foundation to support children impacted by domestic violence. The funds will be used to support the childcare program for those seeking services at the WCA’s domestic violence shelter campus or community services and administrative location.
Within the past three years, 60 percent of residents in the WCA’s emergency shelter and transitional housing program have been children—many under the age of five. In 2017, there were an average of 26 children living in the shelter each month. These are children who, with their mothers, are escaping domestic and/or sexual violence.
A vital part of the WCA’s comprehensive programming is childcare, available at no cost, while the parent and/or children are receiving services through the residential and community client programs. Through the licensed childcare on the shelter campus and the drop-in childcare program facility at the Administration location on Washington Street, hundreds of children each year are provided a consistent, reliable and safe environment in which they are cared for and assessed for any developmental and/or emotional concerns.
Millions of children in the U.S. are at risk of exposure to domestic violence every year. And, when there is intimate partner violence present in the home, the risk of abuse to the child increases significantly. The trauma of domestic violence may have lasting negative impact on the wellbeing of infants, children and adolescents. The WCA childcare provides a steady and stabilizing environment which fosters healing. Additionally, the specially trained childcare staff incorporate a trauma-informed approach when working with the children and are in a unique position to help identify when children may be exhibiting signs of traumatic stress.
“We are so grateful for the support from the Whittenberger Foundation. This funding will help us provide critical services to some of our most vulnerable clients, the children who often don’t have the words or means ask for help themselves. The trained childcare staff provides them the support and help they need to heal from the trauma of exposure to domestic violence and in some cases abuse themselves,” said Bev La Chance, WCA Deputy Director.
In addition to childcare services, the WCA offers safe shelter, two 24-hotlines, counseling, support groups, court advocacy, education and a variety of other integrated services and programs to women, men and children victimized by abuse.
About the WCA
The Women’s & Children’s Alliance provides safety, healing and freedom from domestic abuse and sexual assault. The WCA operates secure shelters and provides professional counseling, legal advocacy, crisis services and case management to survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. For more information, visit www.wcaboise.org.