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Denim Day 2020 is on April 29th. While we won’t be having any events out in the community due to the necessity of continuing social distancing, you can participate with […]
An Update from the WCA, It’s April 1
Dear Friends, Today is April 1, which marks the beginning of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Normally, some of the WCA team would be in the midst of finalizing plans […]
Mark Your Calendars for Denim Day!
Denim Day 2020 is on Wednesday, April 29th. Denim Day is an international campaign held in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In Italy in 1992, an 18 year-old girl […]
Denim Day 2019
Denim Day celebrated its 20th year last month. The Women’s and Children’s Alliance started a local Denim Day campaign in 2015. Denim […]