24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Taking Flight: January 2016

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)


January 2016

New Beginnings 


Written by: Jennifer Cochern, Clinical Services Manager
It’s traditional to plan for the New Year in January.  We talk about New Year’s resolutions, letting go of unhealthy habits and adopting new, healthier behaviors.  Here at the Women’s & Children’s Alliance, our clients plan for new lives throughout the year.  Part of ending an abusive relationship is deciding that the abuse can no longer be tolerated.  This often means that a new life must be created with a focus on healthy relationships in all areas of one’s life.
The following concepts come from the Equality Wheel that is shared at each of the WCA’s If These Walls Could Talk tours. How might you create a new beginning related to healthy relationships?   Let’s start with respect.  Showing respect for yourself with non-judgmental thoughts, encouragement, compassion, self-forgiveness and openness to your own emotions are all healthy behaviors.  When you can show yourself respect, you will more likely request respect from others and behave respectfully towards those you care about.


New Year’s Resolution: Community Involvement 


In the New Year we make plenty of resolutions to better ourselves and to better our community. These resolutions are powerful because  the act of helping others has been shown to increase optimism and gratitude, raise self-esteem and give a sense of belonging.  As Robert Ingersoll said, “We rise by lifting others.”
Monetary donations help fund the work of non-profits – but there are countless priceless ways you can give back and get involved!


More . . .

Staff Spotlight: Kalee Hinkle 

We have some amazing staff here at the WCA and we would like to take a moment and feature just one of them! 
What is your full name?
Kalee Rae Hinkle
What is your job title at the WCA?
Head Cashier in the Thrift Shop
What do you do in your job at the WCA?
I do a lot of things. Mainly, I help keep the thrift shop running smoothly, so we can keep making money to support our programs. I get to help clients get clothes or whatever they need to get back on their feet.


Donor Spotlight: Marie Golden and Coworkers 
We love highlighting donors who reach out and are willing to give back in any way they can. Marie Golden contacted the WCA in December with the hopes of supporting our clients and children this holiday season with her coworkers. Marie asked, how many women and children were in the shelter, but perhaps more importantly, she asked: what do they need?
The answer she received was simple and to Marie, a surprise.  Our clients needed gift cards to go grocery shopping and gift cards for places where they can have an experience as a family.  Marie understood that while meant her and her coworkers would not be going on a shopping trip for new toys or clothes for our clients, these gifts were just as valuable.

Volunteer Spotlight: Lauren Pusich

This month we are highlighting one of our two Jesuit Volunteer Northwest AmeriCorps Members who is serving at the WCA for the next year. 


What do you do in your volunteer role at the WCA?



I am the Outreach Coordinator. I work with the communications and outreach team. We work to help increase awareness in our community about the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault, how these issues impact our community and the resources the WCA provides.
How long have you been a volunteer at the WCA? 
I started my year of service in August; on January 12 I will have been here for five months.



Supporting Our Clients
Our community is constantly giving back and supporting our clients on their journey to safety, healing and freedom. We would like to highlight just a few special cases from the month of December. Thank you to each individual who supports us throughout the year. Our work is only possible through community support. 

Corporate Pillar Spotlight: Mai Thai
At the WCA we have fantastic corporate pillars who continually remind us how generous our community is. We would like to highlight Mai Thai for being such a fantastic inspiration!
Mai Thai Restaurant and Bar is a Thai and Asian Fusion restaurant providing the Boise community with some of the best food and deals in the Treasure Valley. They have been voted the Best of Boise Thai Food in the Boise Weekly’s Best of Boise an outstanding 11 years in a row! It is certainly a favorite spot of WCA employees for their fantastic all-you-can-eat lunch buffet!



Wish Lists


Our lists of needed items are updated weekly and always available on our website. New items from this list below can be dropped off at the WCA lobby at 720 W Washington St. M-F from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Cold Medicine (Adult, Non-alcoholic)
  • High Chairs  – 3 needed
  • Individually Packaged Foods – Granola bars, Fruit snacks, Pretzels, and Personal size: nut packs, cracker packs, cereal packs
  • Kinetic Sand (different colors) – 5 packs of each color
  • LeapFrog LeapPad Learning Tablets
  • Legos
  • Portable DVD players – 4 needed
  • Postage stamps – 4 books needed
  • Thomas the Tank Engine Toys
In This Issue

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The Bea Line

Bea Black, Executive Director
What a wonderful year 2015 turned out to be!  The end of the year was especially hectic as we were blessed by so many wonderful donors, groups and organizations who gave both financial and in-kind donations. All donations help support  our clients and the services we provide to help survivors on their path to healing and self-sufficiency.  In our annual holiday giving program 111 families were sponsored this year. It is thanks to their sponsors that they were able to enjoy treats and gifts they would otherwise not have had.

Susan Says

Susan Kelley, Development Director
What could be a better new beginning that the birth of a new baby?
When one of the moms at our shelter is about to welcome a baby into their lives, there are so many ways that our wonderful donors love to help. We need to ask what the mother needs and what will help that baby start their new life, whether that be a crib and mattress, diapers and clothes, or maybe a new car seat.

From Bev’s Desk

Bev La Chance, Deputy Director
Starting over after domestic abuse can be challenging and fraught with self-doubt and fear.  It can be especially hard to create a peaceful new life after living in  an isolating relationship ruled by power and control. While it is difficult, you can ask others for help in order to stay safely be free from violence.


Upcoming Events
 Mark Your Calendar!
Metamorphosis: An Art Experience 
January 14, 2016  
Click here for more information 

CWI Spring Fair

February 2-3, 2016
 Click here for more information 
Smart Women, Smart Money
February 12, 2016 
Click here for more information



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Women’s and Children’s Alliance | 720 W Washington St | Boise | ID | 83702







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