24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Taking Flight: October 2016

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

October 2016

Remembering SueB
Written by Jerri Mizrahi, a Learning & Development Manager and Personal Success Coach for Boise State University. She was Sue’s first friend in Boise, and misses her dearly each day. Thank you to Jerri for sharing her memories of Sue.

Love me; but if you must – leave me; don’t kill me!
Those are the words I think about for Sue’s situation and other victims of violence.  Dealing with a broken heart is much better than a broken body.
It was so hard to understand; how could another person do this to someone.  I remember those final days, weeks, months, even today, years’ later.
Sue and I had that type of friendship that we could go for long periods without chatting and easily pick up wherever we left off. Sue married Mark on September 4, 2004, and duration between our conversations was getting longer and longer.





October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month


provides an opportunity to educate and engage our community and help people learn more about domestic violence and how as individuals and as a community we can work to break the cycle of abuse.

Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, dating abuse, and intimate partner violence (IPV), is a pattern of controlling behaviors intended to frighten, intimidate, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure or wound an intimate partner. Contrary to popular perceptions, domestic violence is not solely physical. Emotional, verbal, sexual, and economic abuse are just as harmful and include isolation, sexual assault, intimidation, humiliation, and withholding financial support or information.



The Power of Community 


At the WCA we are continually blown away by our community and how their support and strength enables us to continue our mission and raise awareness for our issue-area.. There have been so many wonderful events that show case the beauty of community collaboration, and we would like to share about three special ones.



Volunteer Spotlight: Our Volunteer Lawyers!


 We have an amazing group of lawyers that volunteer with our Court Advocacy program. The legal system is a tough one to navigate, and we really appreciate the wonderful gift they offer to our clients. This month we were able to interview a few of them and we cannot thank them all enough. Check out the interviews in the links below!



Donor Spotlight: Wyatt Schroeder, Executive Director of CATCH

CATCH (Charitable Assistance for the Community’s Homeless) is one of our community partners. CATCH provides permanent housing solutions to over 200 families a year, a third of whom are referred by the WCA.  Domestic violence is the leading cause of homelessness among women, and Wyatt understands all too well the connection between CATCH’s mission and ours. Wyatt recently joined us at our Healing Begins with Hope breakfast and has generously committed to a multi-year pledge to help promote a community where individuals thrive in safe, healthy relationships.



Corporate Pillar Spotlight: The Village at Meridian
Centercal Properties, LLC


By Lisa Uhlmann, WCA Corporate Pillars Manager
Our newest Corporate Pillar is The Village at Meridian, Centercal Properties, LLC.  The Village at Meridian has been a tremendous supporter of the WCA through the annual Witches Night Out, celebrating its third year on October 19. We have been able to work with many of their businesses and restaurants to assist us with raffle items as well as important products for our WCA clients.  Please join us next Wednesday evening for this marvelous event.




Supporting Our Clients


Our community is constantly giving back and supporting our clients on their journey to safety, healing and freedom. We would like to highlight just a few special cases from the month of September and October. Our work is only possible through the support of our community. 

Zero Landfill 

Wish Lists


Our lists of needed items are updated as needed and always available on our website. New items from this list below can be dropped off at the WCA lobby at 720 W Washington St. M-F from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Gift cards (Home Depot, Walmart, Thriftway Lumber, Any $ amount)
  • Gift cards, $20 and up (i.e. Winco, Target, Shopko, Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer, etc.)
  • Gift cards, $20 and up for any gas station
  • Individually Packaged Foods – Granola bars, Fruit snacks, Pretzels, and Personal size: nut packs, cracker packs, cereal packs
  • Infant and Children’s pain reliever/fever reducer (Tylenol, Ibuprofen)- 10 of each
  • Kinetic Sand (different colors) – 5 packs of each color
  • LeapFrog LeapPad Learning Tablets
  • Legos for 5 and up- 5 needed
  • Potty Training Chairs – 6 needed (3 girl colors, 3 boy colors)
  • Pregnancy tests- 10 needed

Quick Links
Just released:
Our 2016 Annual Report!

The Bea Line

Bea Black, Executive Director 


October is Domestic Violence Awareness month – and as if on cue, our local and national conversation seems to be providing plenty of opportunities for discussions on the complex issues surrounding both domestic violence and sexual assault. The shooting death of two California cops responding to a domestic violence disturbance, the conversation about what is acceptable to say privately rather than publicly about women and the discussion of what has more impact – words or actions. We are grateful for the conversations.


From Bev’s Desk 

Guest Writer:
Andrea Schilling, Program Support Specialist 



As a typical twenty-something, it is safe to assume I participate in the many avenues of social media. As informational and entertaining as the internet world can often be, the opportunity for anonymity has also made the internet a breeding ground for inciting violence against women.
Jessica Valenti, a journalist for the Guardian, reveals just how daunting social media can be.




The Philanthropy Files

Diana Burrell, Philanthropy Manager 


Philanthropy – derived from Greek, means “love of humanity, in the sense of caring, nourishing, developing, and enhancing what it means to be human.” As we enter Domestic Violence Awareness Month (#DVAM), I think of that definition with awe and gratitude. In my six months as Philanthropy Manger at the WCA, I’ve been fortunate to see the best of our community: neighbors helping neighbors because they believe we should all live in a community where individuals thrive in safe, healthy relationships.



Upcoming Events
Clothesline Project
Boise State University
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Thursday, October 13, 2016
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
More info here
Kendall Ford Drive for Your Community 
October 13, 2016 
9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Kendall Ford 
More info here 


October 15, 2016
Ann Morrison Park
Boise, Idaho
More info here



Witches Night Out
October 19, 2016
6-8 p.m.
The Village at Meridian
More info here



WCA Night at the Steelheads Hockey Game
October 22, 2016
7:10 p.m.
More info here


Onward Shay Marathon
October 30, 2016
More info


Follow Us!


Snapchat: WCABoise

We would like to thank the following companies for their support:
Women’s and Children’s Alliance, 720 W Washington St, Boise, ID 83702
Sent by [email protected] in collaboration with
Constant Contact








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