AnnaMarie Marsilio, Childcare Provider
Spring is upon us! How exciting! March is one of my favorite months of the year. Winter is slowly leaving us…thank goodness. I feel more like myself when the weather is warmer, and I’m sure others feel the same way. I feel more active and awake. Riding my bike to the shelter in the morning gets me ready for the day. This winter, I’ve felt tired and lost without my four mile morning ride. It gets me excited to spend time with the kiddos in the child care. Exercising really makes me feel whole and balanced… who could have known! Seven months ago, before coming to Boise for my year of service, exercise was the last thing on my mind. I never really had the drive or will to do it, but moving to Boise and literally being forced to ride my bike to work has showed me how great it can make me feel. Now I love to exercise and it’s a great form of self-care.
Health for kids in the child care is extremely important to me and the rest of the child care staff, too. We feed the kids snack every morning and afternoon. The snacks that we give the kids from Create Common Good always incorporate three components: grain, fruit, and protein. As a staff, our jobs are to make sure that the kiddos are moving a lot when they are in our care. We’ve started taking them outside now that the weather is warming up, and we do lots of movement activities in the child care, too. We move around the room and pretend to be different animals, sometimes we jump around, and lately we’ve been having some pretty rad dance parties. Child care isn’t always easy, but we really know how to have some fun!
Marching towards health isn’t something that can be accomplished overnight, but once you start eating right and exercising, you might just find yourself enjoying it. Happy March, everyone! Think Spring 🙂