13 Reasons Why We Need to Be Talking About Mental Health
Unless you have been avoiding the internet, the television, and (gasp) Netflix, you have probably heard of the extremely popular show “13 Reasons Why”. This show involves teenagers dealing with bullying, suicide and sexual assault. What it does not involve, unfortunately, are conversations about how mental health relates to these topics.
According to Dan Reidenberg, executive director for Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, the storyline does not present any viable alternatives to suicide. “The show doesn’t talk about mental illness or depression, doesn’t name those words,” said Reidenberg. “My thoughts about the series are that it’s probably done more harm than any good.”
While the show has been the catalyst for many conversations, it is important to make sure mental health is being included in the discourse. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month here are 13 reasons why having these conversations are so important: