by Lisa Uhlmann, WCA Corporate Pillars Manager
Part of my job is to go out in the community and meet with our Corporate Pillars. I consider myself extremely fortunate as I love meeting new people and learning about the businesses that make the Treasure Valley the truly great place it is to work and enjoy life to its fullest. In my travels I met a wonderful family, Ken and Sherry Fernandez and their amazing daughter Merry Cole. Ken is the owner of Concrete Construction Supply, one of the WCA’s major corporate supporters. Merry is his sales manager and she was recently honored as a 2014 WCA TWIN Award recipient.
Last fall, Ken brought his fabulous wife Sherry to a Corporate Pillars reception and she shared her interest in our work and talked about her business ownership of FitMania. Fast forward to this spring and Sherry contacted me to see if we would be interested in being the beneficiary of the FitMania World’s Biggest Boot Camp, a very generous offer indeed that we gratefully accepted. Why does Sherry support the WCA? “The WCA is run effectively and efficiently by people who are passionate about what they do. To be a woman who needs to protect herself and her children is a frightening place to be. The WCA provides the safety these families need to put their lives together. As a woman and a mother I feel compelled to support the WCA’s mission and would hope everyone would feel the desire to protect women and children.”
WCA Executive Director Bea Black is appreciative of FitMania’s support of the WCA. “The ultimate goal for all our clients is that they are able to be healthy in all aspects of their lives – body, mind and spirit. FitMania is the perfect way to encourage healthy and fit lifestyles and relationships. We are so grateful to FitMania for creating this very special “boot camp” to benefit the WCA’s clients. It’s thanks to this type of support that we are able to provide a wide range of services at no charge to our clients.”
FitMania’s World’s Biggest Boot Camp is coming up on Saturday, August 16th from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Julia Davis Park. If you are over the age of 12 and can walk, you can do it! It is a 45 minute workout for all levels of fitness and only $10 to sign up. All proceeds go directly to the WCA. For more information and online registration please visit
The story started with a special “tour in a box” at Concrete Construction Supply followed by the Company’s incredible support of the WCA and then leading to FitMania’s support of the WCA through this very special boot camp. My takeaway is that you never know where you will find support for the WCA. Spending time in the community makes the world of difference. We are truly grateful for all of the support we receive from the business world. Our Corporate Pillars support provides an essential lifeline to enhance our clients’ lives. There isn’t a day that goes by when we don’t thank our lucky stars for this important support.