24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


No Shave November: Student Support

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

By Lisa Uhlmann, WCA Corporate Pillar Manager

IMG_1199The December 3rd No Shave November fundraising event in Boise State University’s Jordan Ballroom was superb, raising close to $3,000 for the WCA. This extraordinary event was sponsored by Boise State University’s Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity with the help of the Paul Mitchell School. The AKL members provided two months of major outreach events on campus, including WCA information tables, sales of special flowers and haircuts on campus benefitting the WCA’s children’s counseling needs. When asked why Alpha Kappa Lambda supports the WCA’s work, No Shave November Organizer  Jamie Suhr responds, “The men of Gamma Theta chapter of Alpha Kappa Lambda believe in being men of character. Being a man of character means taking the first step to acknowledging an issue in our society, such as domestic violence and try to work with others like the WCA to help the community be aware of domestic abuse and wanting to know more on what they can do about it.”

The WCA is spearheading an effort to educate and engage college-age young adults about the critical issues involved with domestic violence, particularly when to recognize the dangers of domestic violence and sexual assault, and where to go for help.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Alpha Kappa Lambda for devoting several months to educating Boise State University students about the dangers of domestic violence and sexual assault.






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