May is a busy month for the WCA! In addition to our annual outreach and fundraising breakfast on May 9th, we are participating in the first ever “Idaho Gives” day organized by the Idaho Nonprofit Center. To highlight this special day, the WCA is partnering with the Idaho Human Rights Education Center to present a special event about the world of Anne Frank including readings from Anne’s diary at the Morrison Center for the Performing Arts. This reading honors the 10th Anniversary of the Anne Frank Memorial – still the only one of its kind in the country. The morning performance will be attended by Boise 8th grade school children while the evening performance will be open to those purchasing tickets. Proceeds from the show will benefit both the Human Rights Education Center and the WCA. The purpose of “Idaho Gives” day is to raise awareness throughout the State of Idaho of the good works done by non-profits through a special 24 hour campaign called “Idaho Gives”. If you have family and friends who have not yet developed a special connection to a non-profit, you might encourage them to check out the special website which will be available that day and will highlight the good works of hundreds of non-profits throughout our state.