24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Social Media Policy

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

Updated January 2016

All social media channels used by the Women’s and Children’s Alliance (WCA) and connected with the WCA as an organization will adhere to the following code of conduct. The scope and intent of all WCA social media activity is to educate, engage, and inform individuals about the WCA, domestic abuse and sexual assault in an effort to break the cycle of violence in our community. The WCA will utilize this policy consistently across all WCA social media channels.

  • The WCA understands that social media includes all means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet, including to WCA’s own or an outside party’s blog, personal web site, social networking or affinity web site (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and wikis), web bulletin board or a chat-room, as well as any other form of electronic communication.
  • The WCA understands that all statements made by WCA social media channels are public and permanent.
  • The WCA understands that all statements posted by WCA social media channels will be perceived as statements made by the organization as a whole and not by the individual posting.
  • The WCA will maintain consistency across all social media channels by adhering to the overall mission and goals of the WCA as an organization. Aforementioned mission and goals can be found here.
  • The WCA will refrain from posting statements, photographs, video or audio that are false, misleading, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, fraudulent, discriminatory, or invasive of the privacy of others. Specifically:
    • The WCA will not post content that is derogatory toward any person or groups of persons, including content that is in any way exclusive of any race, religion, political party, or other belief system.
    • The WCA will respect confidentiality of all clients and post only content in which permission to post has been specifically given.
    • The WCA will require signed release forms for all photos and statements made by minors.
    • The WCA will not allow any comments or posts by outside parties that may be perceived as derogatory to any individuals or groups of people remain on their social media channels.
      • In the event that a comment is removed by a member of the communications team, the WCA will contact the party and notify the party of the reasons for removal.
  • The WCA will pay strict attention to copyright laws and copyright infringement in all of their posts across all WCA social media channels.
    • Any and all concerns of copyright infringement should be immediately directed to the Communications Team.
  • The WCA will not endorse or promote any brands, products, persons, political or religious beliefs, or other specific entities on WCA social media channels unless organization as a whole has confirmed to endorsement or promotion of the entity.
  • The WCA will utilize proper and up to date branding images at all times.
  • The WCA will pay careful and consistent attention to adjusting and updating privacy settings on all channels in order to maintain protection of clients and staff.

Any and all questions regarding the WCA social media policy should be directed to the communications team at [email protected].






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