24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


CEO Update: 12.4.2020

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

Let me tell you about Tracy and what she’s done for kids

What a week! Things are looking different for many of us in the way we go about our daily lives. We are likely working, socializing and even looking at the world differently. The way we interface with our social circles, coworkers and families are being impacted by what is going on around us.

At the beginning of 2020, prevention and outreach was a top priority of mine and I want you to know that even in these current conditions, we are still making a difference in the lives of local youth—especially those who are at risk. Let me tell you about Tracy, our Prevention Program Manager, and share with you just a few of the really exciting things she has done these past few weeks.

While the way the team has gone about working has changed due to the pandemic, the work has continued and the team is making an impact each week by collaborating with other incredible community organizations doing everything they can to care for our children.

This month Tracy facilitated weekly small group sessions focusing on healthy relationships, boundaries, red flags and communication skills for the following youth-focused organizations:

Harmony House—an inpatient treatment center for adolescents with alcohol or substance addiction from across the state. This is a weekly group currently being done virtually with a social worker on site at the center.

Hays House (Idaho Youth Ranch)—a shelter for youth who are victims of abuse, experiencing homelessness and/or who may have run away from home. This is an in-person weekly group that is done physically distanced, wearing PPE. Based on the age demographics of residents participating, there may be one or two groups per week.

Life’s Kitchen—a training program for youth and young adults in high-risk situations to gain work training, life skills and GED or high school equivalent. This is an in-person weekly group that is done physically distanced, wearing PPE.

Beyond these weekly group sessions with 25-30 youth, Tracy works with local teachers, counselors and advocates from other organizations to build a stronger network of information, support and resources—for students, parents and community partners across the valley. Together, Tracy believes we can make a difference in the lives of the kids she sees each week and even in the ones she’s yet to meet.

Check out the Virtual Prevention Toolkit Tracy and her team have developed and reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to get more information.

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