24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


CEO Update 9.2.2021

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

Invisible Figures

We read the tragic stories about domestic abuse victims who are murdered by their perpetrators—those stories become public. However, there are other victims of abuse whose deaths are not recorded as being related to domestic violence—those who commit suicide. During this month of September, as we highlight the devastating impact of suicide, it is important to understand that intimate partner violence and domestic abuse can result in someone taking their own life.

When an individual feels completely hopeless and helpless—unable to see a way out of their situation—their thoughts can turn very dark. There is a sense that no one can help them. Perhaps they have even reached out for help and are met with disbelief or denial.

As we raise awareness of suicide, as we talk about the signs that can accompany an individual’s decline into hopelessness, it is important to know what resources exist. For some, it may be to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 and, for others, it may be to call our 24-hour hotline—(208)343-7025. They will find a listening and supportive ear, and if they are suffering abuse or intimate partner violence, we can provide resources and services that can help.

Thanks to our community supporters, we have a great team of professionals ready to serve. Sometimes people need the encouragement to reach out. Your encouragement could help save a life.



Thank you to all of those who have signed up for the SueB 5k 10k thus far. We are grateful for your continued support in our mission of safety, healing and freedom from domestic abuse and sexual assault.

In honor of 12 years of celebrating healthy relationships, supporting victims and survivors and honoring the memory of Susan “SueB” Newby we are offering a deal for 24 hours. On September 12, 2021, you can participate in this special race for $12!
100% of participant fees go directly into the WCA endowment allowing the WCA to continue to provide free services for clients for many years to come.
Register here.




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