24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Corporate Pillar Spotlight: March 2021

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

Concrete Construction Supply

Here at the WCA, we are so grateful for all of our amazing Corporate Pillars. Our work relies upon community support and having so many local businesses and organizations choose to join us on the road to providing safety, healing and freedom to survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault is remarkable.

Our Corporate Pillar Spotlight this month is Concrete Construction Supply. Concrete Construction Supply is an employee-owned and goal orientated company that goes beyond expectations to ensure both homeowners and contractors experience success and confidence in their construction projects. With 34 commutative years of experience of all key employees, serving Idaho, Nevada and the northwest United States, they strive to exceed expectations in every aspect of business including:

  • Integrity: They pride themselves on their persistent and unyielding integrity, loyalty and sincerity by being honest in all of their dealings so customers feel confident through their actions.
  • Safety: They will do whatever it takes to assure that they operate with the highest standards of safety because the well-being of their employees, customers and community is vital to them as a company.
  • Clean and Orderly: Cleanliness and order builds confidence in both employees and customers and Concrete Construction Supply will exceed expectations to increase the overall working environment and customer experience.
  • Belief in People: They provide coaching, support and opportunity for growth for customers and employees to feel respected and secure in their endeavors.

We want to give a huge thank you to our incredible Corporate Pillar, Concrete Construction Supply for their support in helping the WCA provide vital services to our clients every day!

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Oct 06


Sue B Memorial 5K October 6, 2024

Join us for the 15th annual SueB Memorial 5k Continuing to honor the memory of Susan “SueB” Newby, the 15th annual SueB 5K Fun Run will kick off on Sunday, […]

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