There are lots of reasons to be grateful in life. However, more remarkably is that when we have a problem we don’t ever realize that is also something to be grateful for. Problems in life are necessary for growth. Without them we are stagnant and unchanged. Having problems in life is a way of identifying that we need to step back and re-evaluate our current situations. By no means am I saying that verbal abuse or any other type of abuse is just a problem, and something to be grateful for. Abuse of any kind is definitely wrongful treatment and cruelty of another human being. Abuse should never be tolerated or allowed at any level.
Life is not always an easy journey. There will always be problems that come up by choice, and by chance. What we choose to do when faced with a problem is up to each of us. I was faced with a problem of verbal abuse for five years by chance, and a little by choice. By choice, because I kept thinking it will get better, if I just do this, or if I just do that. The abuse will stop. Yet I began to realize that it would only stop, if I left. Due to this first time experience, I learned more about people and relationships than I have in my entire life. For this experience, I am a better mother, friend, daughter, sister, and coworker.
My choice now and forever, is to live with an attitude of gratitude, with or without problems. With the start of my new journey it has taught me how to be brave, how to be courageous and how to be bold. By being this way, it has allowed me to be much more open in believing in myself, trusting in my reality, and feeling my emotions. With each new problem that I face as I continue to heal from my abuse I will embrace them, I will challenge them, and I will let them go knowing the strength and determination that I gained from this problem will only make me a more resilient person.
At this time, I am in a place where I can comfortably sit back and evaluate my new situation, and it is euphoric. I am amazed at the progress I have made in 9 months. I say that, but I have invested tons of time, tears, and sweat into this progress and I continue and will continue every day. I have even come to the point I can look at myself in the mirror again and know that who I see is truly me, it’s not a mask, It’s not a broken, empty soul. For this I am grateful for my life changing problem.