Sue B Memorial 5K October 6, 2024
Join us for the 15th annual SueB Memorial 5k Continuing to honor the memory of Susan “SueB” Newby, the 15th annual SueB 5K Fun Run will kick off on Sunday, […]
There is no doubt about it, the WCA is a highly-collaborative agency that understands there is great value to be gained from engaging community partners. It allows program staff to meet the full spectrum of needs presented by their clients and ensures a holistic approach to service delivery. The following illustrate some, but not all, of the countless ways that the WCA engages and participates within the community. The WCA is a grant partner with the Ada County Domestic Violence Court (DVC) and provides a half-time DVC Case Manager that works directly with victims whose abuser’s case is set in the DVC. The Case Manager assists victims in securing resources such as housing, financial assistance, food, childcare, and legal services. The WCA and the Mexican Consulate share a Memorandum of Understanding that provides assistance to the Consulate’s clients, as well as pertinent WCA program information. For over fifteen years, the WCA and the BSU Women’s Center have been working together to provide community education and awareness. Both local hospitals, St. Luke’s and St. Alphonsus, refer to the WCA and, in turn, the WCA provides trauma-focused training and education. This is a community that works together to provide a seamless delivery of client services – working together, changing lives.