Secrecy often veils the reality that a woman – and her children – are living in the midst of domestic violence. Sure that she is the only woman in the world that suffers this relentless abuse – and told daily that she is to blame – her sense of self evaporates and she becomes increasingly isolated. It is not until she learns of the existence of a community support group that she dares to believe that there may be help. Support groups are often part of the menu of services offered by domestic violence programs. They may be the key to unlocking the loneliness, shame and isolation that envelope homes threatened by domestic violence. It is there that a woman may connect with others in similar situations and be provided a safe and confidential forum to share her story and to explore a violence-free lifestyle. Whatever decisions are made, the recognition that other women are available to act as sounding boards and validate her worthiness, may allow her to see possibilities for herself.
WCA Domestic Violence Support Group (RAP) is held every Wednesday evening from 6 to 7:15 P.M. First time participants must attend Domestic Violence Orientation (4:30 to 6:00 P.M.) before attending RAP – Offered free – childcare is available by calling 343-3688 Ext. 0217 by Tuesday 10 A.M. prior to the group.