The Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance (ICDVVA) was created in 1982 by legislative action. It is an advisory body and granting agency for state-wide programs serving victims of crime. Presently, ICDVVA administers the Federal Victims of Crime – Victim Assistance Grant, the Federal Family Violence and Prevention Grant, and the State Domestic Violence Dedicated Account. The Women’s and Children’s Alliance (then known as the Boise YWCA) first received funding from ICDVVA in 1983. Throughout the years, ICDVVA has not only been a sustaining grant funding source but also a collaborator when technical advice is needed or brainstorming is sought. Since in 1994, ICDVVA has held an annual conference for state-wide providers that focuses on education to enrich the providers’ knowledge base. In 1998, ICDVVA was given the responsibility to set standards for counseling and treatment ordered for anyone who pleads guilty to or is found guilty of domestic violence. The Women’s and Children’s Alliance is grateful to ICDVVA for their abiding support and for their dedication to victims of crime throughout the State of Idaho.