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Holiday Stress Management and Self Care

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Written by Mary Haggerty

The holiday season is meant to be a time of family, friends, and good cheer. But sometimes these traditions leave us feeling less than jolly. The needs of our families, pressure at work, and the added costs associated with the holidays can leave us feeling like these are things we need to do, instead of feeling like things we get to do. Without a mindful approach, the holiday season can easily overwhelm even the biggest Yuletide lovers.

Someone wise once said, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” During the season of giving back, make sure to pay attention to how you’re feeling as well. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. In fact it is the best way to assure you can sustainably care for others.

That being said, I’ve collected some free self-care tips that will hopefully help you refill your cup!

  1. Make sure you’re getting adequate sleep. Everything seems harder when you’re running on low energy.
  2. Speaking of low energy, try not to let the holiday hubbub interfere with adequate diet and exercise! A brisk walk and some veggies can do wonders for mood and stress levels.
  3. Take some quiet alone time. Being around people all day everyday can be draining, and taking a few minutes a day alone to center yourself can help alleviate those effects.
  4.  Organize your space. While this might seem like yet another task to accomplish in your busy life, in reality it can have a very calming effect on your mind and make it easier to get other things done.
  5. Write down how you’re feeling. Outwardly expressing yourself can help you organize and deal with emotions.

These are just a few ways you can manifest stress management and self-care in your life. Different things work for different people, so it’s important to find out what works for you. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season full of peace and joy.

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