24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Manager’s Corner

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

Lisa Uhlmann, Corporate Pillars Manager

BW-LogoColorWe are continuously amazed by the generous support and involvement from the businesses who support our work and our clients through our Corporate Pillars program. Their financial and in-kind support as well the participation of their employees in awareness-building events such as Denim Day, the Clothesline Project and many others remind us that if we all work together, we can create a community where all individuals thrive in healthy relationships. One local business that continually demonstrates its commitment to the WCA and Boise community as a whole is the Boise Weekly (BW).

The Treasure Valley is lucky to have a newspaper so dedicated to its community. As a Corporate Pillar of the WCA, BW helps spread the word about important fundraising events as well as awareness events. They also utilize their advertising space to spread awareness about domestic abuse and our 24-hour hotline. You might have seen BW’s tremendous support for Denim Day this past April. Denim Day is a global day of awareness in support of sexual assault survivors and encourages the community to be in solidary with those individuals by wearing denim. These are just two examples of how BW shows its support for the community and WCA.

Sally Freeman, the owner and publisher of BW, was asked why she is passionate about supporting the WCA and left us with this inspirational message:

“As the only independently owned, local news source in Boise, Boise Weekly believes wholeheartedly in community. And we know a community depends on the health, safety and well-being of all its members. That’s why we are steadfast supporters of the Women’s and Children’s Alliance and the vital work it does not only to further our community, but protect and nurture it. We may be called a Corporate Pillar of the WCA, but the WCA is a pillar of this wonderful place we call home.”

We are proud to be partners with BW. You can come celebrate BW on Saturday, June 25 in downtown Boise at The Big LeBoise. Join us in celebrating BW turning 25 with this fantastic family-friendly block party and a portion of the event proceeds benefit the WCA. You can learn more about BW on their website here and be sure to check out The Big LeBoise Facebook event page here.  Thank you to The Boise Weekly and all our other amazing Corporate Pillars!

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