Sue B Memorial 5K October 6, 2024
Join us for the 15th annual SueB Memorial 5k Continuing to honor the memory of Susan “SueB” Newby, the 15th annual SueB 5K Fun Run will kick off on Sunday, […]
In the New Year we make plenty of resolutions to better ourselves and to better our community. These resolutions are powerful because the act of helping others has been shown to increase optimism and gratitude, raise self-esteem and give a sense of belonging. As Robert Ingersoll said, “We rise by lifting others.”
Monetary donations help fund the work of non-profits – but there are countless priceless ways you can give back and get involved!
Carry a Shoe Card
One of the simplest things you can do is to carry a WCA Shoe Card. A Shoe Card lists both our resource information along with other local and national resources. These cards also include a safety plan and questionnaire on domestic violence. Each of us can hand out this card to someone who may be in need of help, may that be a friend, family member or even a stranger. This simple gesture allows that person to then seek services on their own terms. If you do not have a Shoe Card already, stop by the WCA to pick one up or email the Outreach Team.
Attend an onsite WCA Tour
Our onsite tour is called “If These Walls Could Talk” is an hour long informative talk on the services of the WCA. Though many community members know what we stand for, not all know the various ways we assist our clients and their children. You will hear from our Executive Director, a Board Member, our Development Director, and a Staff member. You will also receive a physical tour of our 8th and Washington building – the site of the Women’s and Children’s Alliance since its inception. You can learn more about attending a tour here
Become an Ambassador
Being an Ambassador is one of the most important ways you can help the WCA, and impact our community. Formally, the job of an Ambassador is to help the WCA share our story and our services with 10 people. But being an Ambassador becomes so much more. WCA Ambassadors are representatives of a worldwide movement to break the cycle of violence. They have an intimate relationship with our organization and continually help us prevent and create awareness around domestic abuse and sexual assault. Learn more about our ambassador program here.
Become a Student Champion
In 2015 the Women’s and Children’s Alliance created a program for students and teens in our Treasure Valley community. WCA Student Champions are agents of change working to educate their peers and start conversations about healthy relationships within their own circles. The Champions work with the WCA outreach team to build skills and get the tools they need to create futures free of domestic abuse.
Become an Outreach Volunteer
Each month, we bring our outreach table to events including health fairs, community resource fairs, volunteer info nights, and conferences. Outreach volunteers are friendly and trained volunteers who have a passion for connecting with our community and helping inform others.
Learn more about becoming involved with the student champion program and outreach on our website here. You can always learn more about getting involved with the WCA by visiting our website.