24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Philanthropy Files June 2019

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)


Diana Burrell, Philanthropy Manager

In this blog I often refer to the meaning of the word “philanthropy” – the love of humanity. Every day I am moved by how this love of humanity manifests in the generosity of our community and the kindness of strangers to our clients and the families we serve. Working in the nonprofit sector for six years, I have seen donors and volunteers bring passion, energy and positive change to nonprofits. I have also seen these same people push themselves so hard in supporting these causes that they give up the last of their energy and emotional reservoirs.

I am asking you to take a second and check-in with yourself. What are you doing this summer to be kind to yourself to avoid burnout and relieve vicarious trauma? Taking time to connect to yourself and those around can help ease these problems. I know our clients are grateful and rejuvenated when they are gifted the opportunity to play and relax with their kids at the Zoo, Discovery Center, Wahooz, Roaring Springs or a movie on a hot summer afternoon. Even if your kids are grown, a quick visit to a place like the Discovery Center can release your inner 4th grader and be a wonderful escape!

Have you done any Forest Bathing lately? There are numerous studies about the benefits of outdoor activities. Did you know that indoor pollutants can be two to five times more concentrated than outdoor pollutants? So – take a hike or a bimble. We are fortunate in the Treasure Valley to have hundreds of miles of urban and foothill trails to help us connect with nature without having to go out of our way. Take this time to tune in to yourself, family and friends.

My wish for you this summer is that you take the time to care for yourself and slow down to enjoy time with your loved ones. Nonprofits are entire ecosystems, in order for a portion to heal from trauma, all other parts of the ecosystem need to be thriving in order to support that healing. Your support is needed and taking care of yourself is a vital part of that support.

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