We are pleased to announce the winners for our PSA contest! We were impressed with the high quality submissions that we received, which provide information and resources about teen dating abuse and healthy relationships to teens and young adults. Our winners are as follows:
- 1st Place: Kavan Hess, Capital High School (Category: Teen Dating Abuse)
Sponsor: Rob Parson, Video Broadcasting teacher
Our judges found Kavan’s video to be compelling, cohesive, and creative, and were impressed by the technical mastery that he demonstrated.
- 2nd Place: Natasha Dacic, Boise High School (Category: Teen Dating Abuse)
Sponsor: Kim Brydges, Video Broadcasting teacher
Natasha’s entry was distinguished by its strong editing, clear message, and the understated honesty of actors’ performances.
- 3rd Place: Nicole Orlovich, Boise High School (Category: Healthy Relationships)
Sponsor: Kim Brydges, Video Broadcasting teacher
Nicole’s video effectively conveyed a lot of important information about what constitutes a healthy relationship with a cheerful tone and creative use of imagery.
Thanks to generous donors, Kavan, Natasha, and Nicole will each receive $100 prizes, and we will also provide certificates of appreciation to their fellow students who performed in their PSAs. We will be integrating their videos into our outreach and sharing them in future presentations to student groups.
In their entry forms, all three of our winners expressed a hope that their videos would make a difference for at least one young person who may be experiencing an unhealthy or abusive relationship. We share that hope and are grateful for these students’ compassion and creativity.