WCA’s Philanthropy Manager Laura Honn, CEO Bea Black and Grants Director Bev La Chance stand in front of the WCA’s statue with a ceremonial check for the Scentsy Family Foundation Direct Giving Grant Award./Photo Credit WCA Staff
April 9, 2021
For Immediate Release
Funds will support domestic violence shelter and programming for women and children
Boise, ID – The Women’s and Children’s Alliance (WCA) has been awarded a grant of $ 10,000 from the Scentsy Family Foundation to support the WCA’s emergency shelter and transitional home serving women and children fleeing domestic and sexual violence. Last fiscal year alone, the WCA provided 11,227 “safe bed nights” to women and children and 1,645 counseling sessions to 136 new adult and child clients.
The vision of the WCA is to foster a community where individuals thrive in safe, healthy relationships. With the support of our community partners, like the Scentsy Family Foundation, we work toward this vision through a combination of secure shelter, comprehensive programming and tools to empower individuals on their journey to a life free from abuse.
“We are so grateful for support from the Scentsy Family Foundation,” “Home is not always safe for everyone,” said Bev La Chance, WCA Grants Director, “We are experiencing a significant increase in requests for services by individuals impacted by domestic violence, compared to the same time last year, due to the pandemic. We are deeply grateful for the support of those who allow us to provide safety and healing.”
In addition to safe shelter, the WCA offers childcare, counseling, case management, court advocacy, life skills classes, financial education and a variety of other integrated services and programs to all who have experienced abuse.
About the WCA
The Women’s & Children’s Alliance provides safety, healing and freedom from domestic abuse and sexual assault. The WCA operates secure shelters and provides professional counseling, legal advocacy, crisis services and case management to survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. For more information, visit www.wcaboise.org.