24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Perspective from an Adult Survivor of Childhood DV

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

The WCA Tour Experience: Perspective from an Adult Survivor of Childhood DV

Megan Wilson, Philanthropy Specialist

“I should have done it years ago—so healing”

Upon starting here at the WCA, Diana provided to me a disclaimer that at least one tour attendee would want to share their story with me after each Walls tour. Sure enough, after my first tour, I had an exchange with a woman named Shelby. She confidently informed me of her childhood that was occupied by survival tactics like hiding in the woods from her stepfather. Eventually, she and her mother and siblings spent time in a shelter.

In my follow up call to her, she confided in me that she was hesitant to attend the tour. She was nervous that the services and shelter would be dissatisfactory like the ones she had experienced as a child. To her surprise, WCA services more than exceeded her expectations. She noted the progression in dealing with domestic abuse and sexual assault from the 1980s reflected in the WCA. In reference to the tour she said, “I should have done it years ago—so healing.”

Flash forward to today, Shelby is in a graduate program at BSU and is studying for her CHES (Certified Health Education Specialist) exam. She is a mother of three and is proud to say the cycle of abuse stopped with her. She is already involved with the ‘wish lists’ and donating bedding for Serena’s House. Clean bedding is one of the happy memories she has from her time spent in a shelter.

I am thrilled that this remarkable woman will be signing on as a WCA Ambassador.

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