The BeaLine (YouTube video)
Bea Black, Executive Director

Denim Day 2019
What is the significance of wearing denim on Wednesday, April 24? By wearing denim on that day, you will be visibly supporting survivors of sexual assault. Denim Day is an international day of awareness that highlights the importance of believing survivors and stopping victim blaming.
In the late 1990s, an 18-year-old woman was picked up by her male driving instructor, taken to an isolated area and forcefully raped. He was initially arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison. When he appealed, his conviction was overturned because the justices felt that because the victim was wearing tight jeans she must have helped him remove them, implying consent. Enraged by this verdict, the women in the Italian Parliament wore jeans to work in solidarity with the victim. As news of the decision spread, so did the protests. In 1999, an agency in Los Angeles, CA established the first Denim Day in the U.S.—a tradition that has grown.
2019 Tribute to Women in Industry

The Women’s and Children’s Alliance (WCA) honored 50 women at its 26th Annual Tribute to Women and Industry (TWIN) Luncheon at noon on Tuesday, April 2, at the Boise Centre.
“These are women who have made outstanding contributions to the Treasure Valley business community,” WCA Executive Director Bea Black said. “It is a great honor to be called a TWIN, and we’re so grateful to be able to recognize 50 new TWINs in this special year.”
BSU Student Bring Attention to #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth
The WCA is fortunate to work with many Boise State University (BSU) students through the BSU Service-Learning Department. This semester, the WCA is a community partner for the COMM 498: Senior Seminar course.
This group of students have put countless hours and great energy into conceptualizing a campaign for the whole month of April. Each week of the month has a different theme – Safety, Healing, Freedom, and CommUNITY – based on the WCA’s mission and vision statement. Throughout each week, the students are putting on events, making trainings available and tabling at various locations to educate the campus community.
Idaho Passes House Bill 116
We are proud to see House Bill 116 implemented in Idaho. Effective July 1, 2019 all rape kits will be tested except in cases where the survivor chooses to remain anonymous.
Idaho is a trailblazer in our nation’s fight to end the backlog of rape kits. Idaho was the first state to institute a digital tracking system for all rape kits. Survivors are given a tracking number so they know where the evidence in their case is being held.
Corporate Pillar: Schroeder Creative

We are so honored to highlight our fabulous Freedom Level Corporate Pillar, Schroeder Creative, owned by Mike Schroeder. For the past six years Mike has been our extraordinary pro bono graphic designer of our Annual Report, event invitations and the thematic elements of the yearly TWIN Awards program. We could not do what we do without Mike.
We asked Mike to describe his business. In his words:
“With tighter budgets and an increased emphasis on ROI for marketing initiatives, Schroeder Creative’s approach to marketing and support services has become a responsible alternative for many for businesses, small and large. The big agency approach no longer provides a comfort zone for the price, and the overhead required to staff in-house departments have businesses looking for more cost effective ways to market their products and services,” Mike said. “Schroeder Creative fills this niche, stretching marketing dollars without compromising quality. Schroeder Creative offers complete media and communication services, production, and extensive graphic design capabilities. Clients not only benefit from over 30 years of agency experience, they receive virtual marketing, production and graphic departments they can use on demand while keeping marketing dollars in check.”
Supporting Our Clients
Our community is constantly giving back and supporting our clients on their journey to safety, healing and freedom. We would like to highlight just a few special cases that have happened recently.
Our work is only possible through the support of our community.
There are simply too many companies, families, and individuals to list. Check out our Facebook page for more fun photos and stories!
Wish List
Our lists of needed items are updated as needed and always available on our website. New items from this list below can be dropped off at the WCA lobby at 720 W Washington St. M-F from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
2019 Day Planners (8 1/2 x 11)
Baby Monitor – 5 needed
Dress Up Costumes (girls and boys) – 3 of each
Nuby Sippy Cups – 10 needed
Twin or Double Strollers – 2 needed
Umbrella Stroller – 3 needed
USB Flash Drive – 20 needed
- Gift cards (Home Depot, Walmart, Thriftway Lumber, Any $ amount)
- Gift cards, $20 and up (i.e. Winco, Albertsons, Target, Shopko, Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer, etc.
- Gift cards, $20 and up for any gas station
- Gift certificate to Jump Time (any amount) – 5 needed
- Gift certificate to Lakeshore Learning Store gift card (any amount) – 4 needed
- Passes for family-friendly activities (movies, bowling, JumpTime, Wahooz)
You can purchase other much needed items through our Amazon Wish List.