24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Taking Flight: August 2014

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

August 2014

Community Partnerships

by Lisa Uhlmann, WCA Corporate Pillars Manager

Part of my job is to go out in the community and meet with our Corporate Pillars.  I consider myself extremely fortunate as I love meeting new people and learning about the businesses that make the Treasure Valley the truly great place it is to work and enjoy life to its fullest. In my travels I  met a wonderful family, Ken and Sherry Fernandez and their amazing daughter Merry Cole. Ken is the owner of Concrete Construction Supply, one of the WCA’s major corporate supporters. Merry is his sales manager and she was recently honored as a 2014 WCA TWIN Award recipient.

Last fall, Ken brought his fabulous wife Sherry to a Corporate Pillars reception and she shared her interest in our work and talked about her business ownership of FitMania.  Fast forward to this spring and Sherry contacted me to see if we would be interested in being the beneficiary of the FitMania World’s Biggest Boot Camp, a very generous offer indeed  that we gratefully accepted.  Why does Sherry support the WCA? “The WCA is run effectively and efficiently by people who are passionate about what they do. To be a woman who needs to protect herself and her children is a frightening place to be. The WCA provides the safety these families need to put their lives together.  As a woman and a mother I feel compelled to support the WCA’s mission and would hope everyone would feel the desire to protect women and children.”

More . . .

Staff Spotlight: Meet Maureen

Maureen Wishkoski, Court Advocate Manager

What do you do in your job at the WCA?

I manage the court advocacy programming at the WCA, assisting clients in navigating the civil legal system.  We work with clients on issues ranging from civil protection orders (CPOs) to divorce to interstate custody.  The four staff members of our department and three dedicated volunteers offer orientations for CPO petitioners each morning after a CPO is filed in Ada County Court, and we then continue that support and information throughout the CPO process: we are in the courtroom with the client and we also work with them outside of the courtroom, connecting clients with resources at the WCA and in the community.


Supporting WCA Clients: Saint Alphonsus Women’s Healthcare Fund  

  Perfect timing, great gift cards from Saint Alphonsus Women’s Healthcare Fund to be used at Fred Meyer by our clients for needed items that they could not otherwise buy for themselves or their children. Thank You!

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Dawn

Dawn Coder, WCA Volunteer

What do you do in your volunteer role at the WCA?

In my volunteer role I help support the WCA by attending events where I can involve myself to inform the community of who the WCA is and what services they provide.  I have also helped organize sponsorships programs such as Back to School and for Christmas families.

Corporate Pillar Spotlight: MaxGiving

MaxGiving, with Dan Harrington at the helm, has been a phenomenal WCA Corporate Pillar. MaxGiving   provides technical online support to enhance our ability to securely collect donations and allows a seamless process for our donors. Our partnership is such that whenever we call for assistance, Dan and his staff are always there for us. Dan has also been instrumental in introducing our WCA donor staff to potential business partners in the community. He is an amazing people person and has the incredible gift of knowing most everyone in town. Dan is compassionate, kind and a great friend to the WCA. Dan will share in his own words what the WCA means to him personally and to MaxGiving.

 “The Women’s and Children’s Alliance is especially important to me for the incredibly positive impact that it has had on my friends, family, and our employees over the years.  Women especially are such a crucial part of the fabric of our society, and I believe that at the very core of the strength of our society are the mothers of children.


Supporting WCA Clients: High Desert Harley-Davidson and Harley Owner Group (HOG)

  The WCA was the happy recipient of $1,850 raised from the sale of a trailer by the HOG group, who is sponsored by High Desert Harley-Davidson.  In addition, High Desert Harley-Davidson placed a barrel at their store to collect needed items for our shelter and child care.   Thanks so much to HOG and the staff of High Desert Harley-Davidson!  We are very grateful for all your support.

Wish Lists

Our lists of needed items are updated monthly and always available on our website. New items from this list below can be dropped off at the WCA Lobby at 720 W Washington St. M-F from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • Non-perishable/non-expired food items
  • Hair brushes and combs
  • Alarm Clocks
  • Gallon/Quart Sized Plastic Ziploc Bags
  • Cooking Utensils
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Tissue Boxes
  • Compact flourescent light bulbs (60w)
  • Mattress and pillow covers (twin-sized vinyl zippered only)
In This Issue

Quick Links

Bea Line

Bea Black, Executive Director

When August comes around it seems like the summer is almost over!  Part of that is because we are well into our “Back to School” campaign which gets our clients’ children ready for school thanks to individuals and companies that sign up to help with this effort.  August is also a time of transition for us because it is the second month of our new fiscal year which ended on June 30.

Susan Says

Susan Kelley, Development Director
  We are very fortunate to have many friends in the community who choose the WCA to receive funds from events and drives that they plan, promote and complete.  We are often invited to attend a check presentation, which is so much fun and very exciting!  It is always so wonderful to receive funding to continue our programs to support our clients.

From Bev’s Desk

Bev La Chance, Deputy Director

The Women’s and Children’s Alliance is fast approaching the four year mark of its collaborative partnership in the Treasure Valley Economic Action Program(TVEAP).  Originally involving six valley agencies whose focus was on domestic violence, TVEAP has added three partner agencies.



Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendar!


FitMania Boot Camp


Saturday, August 16th


9 a.m.

Julia Davis Park

Gene Harris Bandshell

$10 suggested donation

Register Here

 Ladies of Harley Motorcycle Rally


Saturday, September 13th


Registration: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

   Kickstands Up!: 12:30 p.m.   

Route: Black Canyon Loop

 Register Here


SueB Memorial Walk/Run

Sunday, October 5th 


Benefitting the WCA Endowment Fund


Click here for more information.



1st Annual Ride Against Domestic Abuse and Rape

Saturday, October 11th

12 p.m.

Click here for more information.

We would like to thank the following companies for their support:
Women’s and Children’s Alliance
720 West Washington St.
Boise, ID 83702
Ph: 208.343.3688


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