24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Taking Flight: January 2017

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)

WCA Newsletter January 2017: What Compassion Accomplishes




January 2017

Lighting A Fire Within 


By Mary Haggerty, Outreach Coordinator
Lately at the WCA we have been discussing compassion a lot. We’ve talked about the beauty, the power, and the joy that compassion can cause. I agree wholeheartedly with the beautiful points my colleagues have made, but today I would like to talk about a nuance to compassion. Compassion is a feeling of sympathy for others dealing with misfortune. This is one of the most wonderful components to the human psyche. However, it accomplishes nothing if we don’t allow it to change us. It can be nothing but a fleeting thought if we don’t feed it. Compassion is a catalyst for awe-inspiring actions, if we don’t allow it to be drowned out by the distractions of daily life.
In the new year many of us have resolutions. It is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. This year make acting on your feelings of compassion a resolution. Reach out to others, sign up for the volunteer shift, turn your feelings into an accomplishment.
Compassion without action is empty. We must allow compassion to change us. Feel the spark, and light a fire. The world needs more light and warmth. The world needs us to act upon compassion.


The Joyce Stein Memorial Award

The Joyce Stein Memorial Award is given in memory of Boisean Joyce Ann Stein, a long-time supporter of the WCA (YWCA). After her untimely death in 1979, the YWCA named its highest award in her memory and has awarded this special recognition every year since 1980. 

Each year a Treasure Valley resident who has made a positive impact on the growth and advancement of women in the community is honored. Compassion comes in many forms, and here at the WCA we especially value the power of one. One person can make a world of difference if they decide to take action. 

Nominations are welcomed from individuals, businesses and organizations. The nominee does not have to be distinguished by title or office, but rather by his or her efforts on behalf of women. Please nominate here!  


2017 PSA Contest
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month! In order to start conversations this February, the WCA is happy to share an exciting opportunity for middle school, high school, and college students in the area. Young people are invited to submit 29-second Public Service Announcements that speak to friends and peers about Adolescent Relationship Abuse and/or Healthy Adolescent Relationships. The contest is open for submissions until January 27th, 2017 and winners will be announced in February for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
Find full detail for the contest here.

A Champion for Change: Danielle Swerin 
Recently we finished a chapter with a valued member of our team Danielle Swerin, MA, as the grant funding for her position came to a close.  Even though the New Year usually focuses on looking forward, we wanted to take a moment to look back, and to celebrate all that Danielle has contributed to the WCA in her various roles here-starting as a volunteer and finishing as a staff member, research analyst, lecturer, editor and published author.
Danielle started at the WCA as a volunteer helping with special projects and moved into several different positions as a volunteer for several years. Until, that is, we were able to hire her as the Domestic Violence Case Manager for the Ada County Domestic Violence Court (DVC).  DVC is one of three mentor courts around the country; these are courts that are considered to be models for other specialized domestic violence court.  In this role Danielle offered a personal connection and specialized resources for victims navigating the landscape of victim services.



Donor Spotlight: Ed, Mary Ann and Ellen Reynolds


By Diana Burrell, Philanthropy Manager
Ed and Mary Ann Reynolds, with their daughter Dr. Ellen Reynolds, gave us a wonderful gift this season. Their generous donation directly benefits the WCA’s Court Advocacy Services. With the help of the Reynolds’ generosity, over 1200 individuals in Ada County will be able to have the WCA’s assistance with protection orders, accompaniment to civil or criminal proceedings and legal referrals.  Their gift is making it possible for hundreds of women, children and men in Ada County to be safe.



Supporting Our Clients
Photo: KTVB
Our community is constantly giving back and supporting our clients on their journey to safety, healing and freedom. We would like to highlight just a few special cases that have happened recently.
 Our work is only possible through the support of our community. 

Downtown Boise Association   D.L. Evan’s Bank

Wish Lists 

Our lists of needed items are updated as needed and always available on our website. New items from this list below can be dropped off at the WCA lobby at 720 W Washington St. M-F from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Crib Bedding
  • Diaper Bags  
  • Gift cards (Home Depot, Walmart, Thriftway Lumber, Any $ amount)
  • Gift cards, $20 and up (i.e. Winco, Target, Shopko, Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer, etc.)
  • Gift cards, $20 and up for any gas station
  • Journals
  • Potty Training Chairs – 6 needed (3 girl colors, 3 boy colors)
  • Seasonal Children’s Outfits, Boy’s and Girl’s, All Sizes
  • Twin Size Sheets
  • Vinyl & zippered twin-size mattresses covers – 20 needed
  • 2017 Day Planner

Quick Links

The Bea Line

Bea Black,  
Executive Director



From Bev’s Desk 

Bev La Chance, Deputy Director


This month’s discussion topic is compassion. Although I believe I understand the concept, I decided to do a little research so as to glean a better view of its importance to the human condition. I found that it means to suffer together or the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. While there may be those that categorize it as too touchy-feeling or too emotionally laden, research has shown that when we feel compassion our heart rate slows down and we secrete the bonding hormone oxytocin. . 



The Philanthropy Files

Diana Burrell, Philanthropy Manager 



November and December are always humbling at the WCA. I’m overwhelmed by the acts of compassion from the community. Eighty families were sponsored by members of our community so they could enjoy a peaceful, joyous Christmas. Over 1,000 Giving Tree tags were taken by members of the community and our cupboards are re-stocked so that families checking into our Shelter throughout the New Year will have diapers, formula, and warm clothing. Other donations from our Wish List also poured in.





The Compassion Project

Emily Fascilla, Events Coordinator  





“Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.” – Goran Persson
With the New Year comes our newest column: The Compassion Project. In the last weeks of December we spent time highlighting the generosity, kindness, and compassion of our community. If you search the hashtag #WhatCompassionAccomplishes on our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebookyou can see these heartwarming stories. Thank you to those of you who participated. 





Upcoming Events


 January 26, 2017 and February 2, 2017
6:00 p.m.- 7 p.m.
720 W. Washington St.
Boise, ID
January 19, 2017
7 p.m.
Humpin’ Hannah’s
Get tickets here!


Follow Us!


We would like to thank the following companies for their support:
Women’s and Children’s Alliance, 720 W Washington St, Boise, ID 83702
Sent by [email protected] in collaboration with
Constant Contact






Oct 06


Sue B Memorial 5K October 6, 2024

Join us for the 15th annual SueB Memorial 5k Continuing to honor the memory of Susan “SueB” Newby, the 15th annual SueB 5K Fun Run will kick off on Sunday, […]

learn more





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