The BeaLine (YouTube video)
Bea Black, Executive Director

Spring is here! March can sometimes lull us into thinking that summer is right around the corner–the weather starts to be a bit nicer, and plants start to poke their heads out of the ground, but we still have a ways to go. NO MORE week (March 8-14) is a great opportunity for our community to read up on the ways they can help those who have been affected by domestic abuse, sexual assault, and teen dating violence. It’s also Women’s History Month! We celebrate the history of the WCA, as we’ve been a part of this community for over 110 years. Please check out activities in our newsletter and on our website for ways you can get involved as we look forward to an active and healthy spring.
NO MORE week (March 8-14) is an opportunity for individuals, communities, and organizations to raise awareness and take action to end domestic violence and sexual assault. NO MORE is a global initiative comprised of the largest coalition of nonprofits, corporations, government agencies, media, schools and individuals addressing domestic violence and sexual assault.
Youth REPs “Let Love Bloom” through Downtown 
To finish off a successful Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, the WCA Youth REPs held a “Let Love Bloom” event in downtown Boise. Hosted by Rediscovered Books, the Youth REPs passed out 400 flowers donated by Going Bloom and Albertson’s. The flowers had tags on them reminding recipients that they are worthy of love, respect, equality, friendship, and more.
After receiving a bundle of flowers, people were encouraged to spread the love and pass one on to someone else. Downtown Boise was filled with people sharing smiles and encouragement, holding flowers, brightening the weekend and spreading kindness throughout the city. We are very thankful for our donors and the Youth REPs’ hard work in creating a successful event. Keep your eyes out for next year’s Let Love Bloom event for your chance to share a flower and some love with someone special!
Corporate Pillar Spotlight: St. Luke’s
St. Luke’s is honored to support the Women’s and Children’s Alliance and its vision to “foster a community where individuals thrive in safe, healthy relationships.” As an Idaho-based, not-for-profit health system, St. Luke’s and its leaders are committed to improving the health of the communities we serve. Key partnerships with outstanding nonprofit organizations like the WCA are critical to helping people live their healthiest lives.
Staff Spotlight
For this month’s staff spotlight, we would like to introduce Page Sellards, our new Crisis Case Manager!
Page has been with the WCA for about a month now acting as Crisis Case Manager. This newly-created position is one of the first points of contact for people requesting WCA services. Anyone who calls the hotline or comes to the WCA to request services speaks with Page. She completes assessments with the client to determine eligibility and availability of shelter, counseling, and case management. The client is told of the options that are available to them moving forward, and empowered to make their own decisions about what services best suit their needs.
WCA Awarded CHIF Grant from St. Luke’s 
The Women’s and Children’s Alliance has been awarded a Community Health Improvement Fund (CHIF) Grant for $25,000 from St. Luke’s. This grant will help us launch the Worth Project, a program designed to help improve youth mental health and prevent sexual violence in schools. The goal of this project is to support a comprehensive prevention, intervention and response model in five Boise schools. This program is very important, as one in three adolescents in the United States is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner.
Mark Your Calendars for Denim Day! 
Denim Day 2020 is on Wednesday, April 29th. Denim Day is an international campaign held in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
In Italy in 1992, an 18 year-old girl was raped by her driving instructor. The man who raped her was convicted, but it was later overturned by the Italian Supreme Court who said that because she was wearing “very tight jeans,” she must have helped the man remove them, and therefore it must have been consensual.
For the last 21 years, denim has been worn in protest of this ruling, and to raise awareness that clothing should never be used to determine legitimacy of a sexual assault case.
Wear denim on Wednesday, April 29th to support victims of sexual assault and raise awareness in April.
Supporting Our Clients
Our community is constantly giving back and supporting our clients on their journey to safety, healing and freedom. We would like to highlight just a few special cases that have happened recently.
Our work is only possible through the support of our community.
There are simply too many companies, families, and individuals to list. Check out our Facebook page for more fun photos and stories!
Wish List
Our lists of needed items are updated as needed and always available on our website. New items from this list below can be dropped off at the WCA lobby at 720 W Washington St. M-F from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Check out our Amazon Wish List to see other much needed items!
- Blue and purple glow sticks
- Colored chalk
- Glow-in-the-dark craft paint and body paint
- Dry erase markers (different colors, 15 needed)
- Tampons
- Stamps
- Deoderant (travel-size)
- Protein bars and snacks (sugar-free only)
- Gift Cards, $20 and up (Winco, Albertson’s, Target, Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer)
- Gift Cards, $20 and up (for any gas station)
- Gift Certificate to Jump Time (any time)
- Gift Certificate to Lakeshore Learning Store (any amount)
- Passes for family-friendly activities (movies, bowling, Wahooz)