The BeaLine (YouTube video)
Bea Black, Executive Director

Scentsy Rock-a-Thon Raises $260,568 to Help Protect Women and Children
One Day Fundraiser Breaks Record
Guest Post by Lonni Leavitt-Barker, Scentsy PR
It’s not every day you see men and women decked out in purple boas and butterfly masks, rocking their hearts out on rocking chairs lining the busiest street in Idaho. But on Friday, September 12th, for twelve hours straight, more than 1,300 volunteers kept 70 rocking chairs filled and in constant motion—all to raise funds for the Women’s & Children’s Alliance.
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Court Advocacy’s Second Home
The WCA was honored to be offered an office at the Ada County Courthouse in August. In addition to the Court Advocacy services provided at our Washington Street location, our dedicated staff will have office hours on the fourth floor of the courthouse Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 10 am – 4:30 pm.

The courthouse location allows our staff to be more available for accompaniment to emergency civil protection order (CPO) hearings, assistance at the time of filing a CPO, providing legal referrals for CPO’s and/or family law matters, as well as offer support during the court process.
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Survivor Story

When you stop to take a look at where you have been over the last 6 months, or even a year ago, it may look very different than where you are now. As the world turns, so does our own. What I have learned recently is that what we experienced in the past, or what we are currently walking through, can give us new perspectives, new direction and new challenges. Some may be gaining this new perspective, some may already be walking it, and some may not even think they need to see life differently than they do. I will say that wherever you are in your journey of life, self-care should always be with you.
Looking back on where I was at this time last year, I was discovering what self-care was, and why it was so important. Here is what I learned about self-care, it is necessary, important, and does not make you selfish. Taking time for yourself after supporting, providing or encouraging others in life is vital for your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Without self-care we are depleting ourselves entirely. You can’t give from an empty cup.
Supporting Our Clients
Our community is constantly giving back and supporting our clients on their journey to safety, healing and freedom. We would like to highlight just a few special cases that have happened recently.
Our work is only possible through the support of our community.
There are simply too many companies, families, and individuals to list. Check out our Facebook page for more fun photos and stories!
Corporate Pillar Spotlight: The Village at Meridian/CenterCal Properties LLC
“The Women’s and Children’s Alliance is the perfect example of positive community action to help those who are the foundation of our society. The Village at Meridian is honored to be a part of their success.” Fred Bruning, CEO, CenterCal Properties, LLC
CenterCal Properties excels in and is best known for creating destinations with a unique strategy of placemaking, which emphasizes the importance of developing spaces with a sense of community. The Village at Meridian is comprised of nearly 100 restaurants, retailers, entertainment venues and executive offices. The many businesses at The Village at Meridian partner with the WCA for events such as Witches’ Night Out and Holiday Gift Drives for our shelter clients.
Volunteer & Donor Spotlight: Conduent
The WCA is fortunate to have the dedicated support of Conduent, a worldwide customer care company with an office in Boise. Since early 2017, Conduent employees have contributed more than 200 hours of volunteer service to the WCA and the Conduent Foundation has donated $7,000 to support our mission.
Conduent employees have been hard at work at the WCA assisting with our Back to School Program, cleaning our Child Care Center, helping with mailings, sorting event nametags and a variety of needed tasks. They are also a Presenting Sponsor for this year’s 9th annual SueB 5K/10K.

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Wish List
Our lists of needed items are updated as needed and always available on our website. New items from this list below can be dropped off at the WCA lobby at 720 W Washington St. M-F from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This month, the WCA is in need of food to restock the shelves at our shelter.
Food Items (single family size only and no expired items, please):
- Oatmeal, Cereal
- Tuna, Pasta, Pasta sauce (red, white, pesto, etc.)
- Snack items (Goldfish, crackers, fruit snacks, pretzels, popcorn, nuts, granola bars, etc.),
- Ramen, Soup, Spaghetti O’s,
- Canned fruit, Canned vegetable (no corn or green beans, please)
- Flour, Sugar, Oil, Seasoning, Salt, Pepper,
- Easy to make meals (shelf stable), Hamburger Helper, Instant potatoes, Chili,
- Rice, Cous cous, Lentils, Quinoa, Beans
- Peanut butter, Jelly,
- Tea, Coffee,
Other items:
- Gift cards (Home Depot, Walmart, Thriftway Lumber, Any $ amount)
- Gift cards, $20 and up (i.e. Winco, Albertsons, Target, Shopko, Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer, etc.
- Gift cards, $20 and up for any gas station
- Passes for family-friendly activities (movies, bowling, JumpTime, Wahooz)
You can purchase other much needed items through our Amazon Wish List.