Have you ever thought about what the term “financial freedom” means to you? Does it mean having a certain dollar amount in your savings account? Maybe it means being able to buy what you want when you find something you like? Or maybe it means being able to make it from one paycheck to the other without having to decide which bill to put off for yet one more month. For some of our clients financial freedom starts when they begin to understand how they can take charge of their own finances. Many have not been allowed to have their own money, or money has been used to control them – who they see and what they are allowed to buy. Their freedom can start as simply as gaining a basic understanding of how to prepare a budget, learning how to make the best use of the resources available to them and how to get out from under a terrible credit score developed through no fault of their own. Our Financial Literacy Education classes provide our clients with the tools to develop a sense of financial freedom. It does not mean they can afford to buy anything they want whenever they want it – but it does mean they begin to understand how they can work with whatever amount they have access to and begin to control this asset so that it works with them and not against them. When it comes down to it, it is not so much a matter of how much a person has, but how each person uses what they have, to determine whether they reach “financial freedom”. It is the control of spending habits that will make the difference and our Financial Literacy Educators do a wonderful job helping our clients on their path to financial freedom.
Find more information about our Financial Literacy Program here.