This month we are highlighting Lauren Pusich in our Volunteer Spotlight. She is one of our two Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest AmeriCorps Members who is serving at the WCA for the next year.
What do you do in your volunteer role at the WCA?
I am the Outreach Coordinator. I work with the communications and outreach team. We work to help increase awareness in our community about the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault, how these issues impact our community and the resources the WCA provides.
How long have you been a volunteer?
I started my year of service in August; on January 12 I will have been here for five months.
What do you find most rewarding about your service at the WCA?
Serving at the WCA has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had because I get to help build connections in our community and engage others. There are such easy ways that we can all spread the word about the WCA’s resources and potentially help change another’s life. I am always asking attendees at outreach events if they know about our services and if they carry one of our Shoe Cards. Having that Shoe Card and giving it out when you see or know someone who could use the help of the WCA can be the one moment to change and save that survivor’s life. It’s truly a powerful experience to think about. How many times have we seen something and not known what to do? Giving out this card and being that hand to reach out is invaluable. One of the most rewarding moments during my service year is when I ask someone if they have heard of our Shoe Card and the response is “Yes, I carry one in my wallet”. Knowing that members of our community are taking that simple step to hold on to that card and know about our services means that we are making a difference.
How have you changed or grown as a person through your service here?
I have discovered how it is when you empower others and engage in discussion together that we can make a difference. Domestic violence and sexual assault are issues that impact all of us. It is likely that we all have someone in our life who is a survivor. Learning that and deciding where to go from there has really changed my perspective. I have become more dedicated to changing the culture we live in that prevents us from discussing domestic violence and sexual assault in public. I want to continue to help raise awareness on how significant these is issues are and how we can all come together to be that change.