24-Hour Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025


Volunteer Spotlight: Teresa Andrew

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 208.343.7025 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273 (RAPE)
Teresa with other volunteers and WCA staff at the SueB 5K Walk/Run. Teresa is on the bottom row far left.

Teresa with other volunteers and WCA staff at the SueB 5K Walk/Run. Teresa is on the bottom row far left.

Here at the WCA we love to highlight our amazing volunteers! Our work would not be possible without their help and dedication! This month we are highlighting Teresa Andrew who is sharing her personal story on how she came to volunteer at the WCA.

Please share one memory or “bright” spot you have about Sue

My favorite memories of SueB are our many family gatherings for holidays, birthdays, and bar-b-ques. Everyone in the kitchen together, cooking and preparing recipes, sharing stories, and lots of laughing! My mom and SueB were excellent cooks and loved to “feed the masses”. My mom’s favorite gift was (and still is) a cook book SueB brought from her home state, Pennsylvania.

Please describe your journey to becoming a volunteer at the WCA

SueB’s death was suspicious but very obviously the result of domestic violence. Her many friends wanted to show their love and support so they donated monies for memory plaques. There are two plaques in Boise, one in Ann Morrison and one at Memorial Park.

There was money left over and still more coming in as people heard about SueB. After her death, it became more and more obvious that she was truly a victim of domestic violence. The WCA seemed the perfect place to donate the extra funds so others in situations like SueBs could be helped.

What do you do in your volunteer role at the WCA?

I am a volunteer for the SueB 5k walk and run event that takes place every October to raise additional funding to stop domestic violence. I try help with planning and promoting, spreading the word. Race day is the best, taking part in a family event with so many people all supporting a cause to help others.

How long have you been a volunteer?

I’ve been a WCA volunteer for about 6 years .

What do you find most rewarding about your service at the WCA?

I know victims of domestic violence need a lot of support and encouragement to get back on their feet. WCA does that as well as offering training and education. It makes me feel good to help people not have to live in fear.

How have you changed or grown as a person through your service here?

I think I’ve become a stronger more independent person, maybe a little more cautious. I like my life and it’s important to me that others feel that way about their life.

What would you say to someone if they were worried about a friend, sister or co-worker? 

I have directed anyone who voices concern to contact WCA. I’ve sent anyone who sounded uncomfortable or worried or scared to WCA. Often I share SueB’s story, it’s a powerful one. She didn’t have to die.


You can learn more about SueB and the WCA SueB 5K Walk/Run here.

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