Sue B Memorial 5K October 6, 2024
Join us for the 15th annual SueB Memorial 5k Continuing to honor the memory of Susan “SueB” Newby, the 15th annual SueB 5K Fun Run will kick off on Sunday, […]
The start of the new year was always a time to get down to business and commit to two to three things I decided on the month before. I used to get out my planner, write everything down, make goals and go pursue them as best I could. Despite my best intentions, I would find myself a month in and be nowhere near where I thought I would be. This year, I want to take a different approach.
The past couple of months taught me so many wonderful things about myself, my colleagues, and our generous community. We had such an extraordinary reach from our community—from Giving Tree donors picking up tags from the tree downtown, organizations housing tree tags in their businesses, to amazing sponsors helping make the holiday season successful for many families. Extraordinary volunteers taught me about the process allowing me to modify the programs to how I saw fit for this year.
There was so much kindness and guidance that it made me realize that sometimes…perfection isn’t key. Communication, collaboration, and interacting with like-minded individuals (safely) is key. This year I want to slow down and be present. No unattainable goals (just small ones), no overarching expectations of myself or others— just be present and enjoy what the world and the people in it have to offer and teach me.
I hope that this year brings you all an opportunity to realize how much of an effect you have on others in the community because as a volunteer, you truly have the biggest impact. Thank you for being part of this journey we call life with me at the WCA. I appreciate what you have to offer and what 2022 has to offer us.
With Gratitude,