Sue B Memorial 5K October 6, 2024
Join us for the 15th annual SueB Memorial 5k Continuing to honor the memory of Susan “SueB” Newby, the 15th annual SueB 5K Fun Run will kick off on Sunday, […]
Dear Friends,
Thanks to you, we are here and helping our community. It is with a grateful heart that I come to you with this update today. Our WCA Day of Action on April 16 resulted in raising over $135,000 to help sustain operations and meet the current needs of those in our community impacted by domestic abuse and sexual assault. You also helped spread the word that we are here for those who need us, and that is invaluable.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Statistically, a sexual assault occurs every 73 seconds in the U.S.—and every 9 minutes that victim is a child. This is an age-old issue that continues to impact women, men and children across the globe. It’s an issue that not only demands attention— it deserves your action.
On Wednesday April 29, 2020, the Women’s and Children’s Alliance needs your participation in Denim Day, a global sexual assault and victim blaming awareness campaign. Although we are not able to distribute our campaign materials as we have in past years due to the global health crisis, we are hosting virtual Denim Day events and we hope you will join us.Please share our hotline numbers and help those in our community know there is help. Our partners in local law enforcement recently reported that we are not the only ones seeing an increase in the number of calls related to domestic violence for the first quarter of the year, compared to the same time last year. In fact, they are seeing increases for calls related to domestic abuse, sexual assault and child abuse.
You can help. Check in on neighbors and friends who may not have access to their regular support networks. If you are concerned about someone you care about, here are a few tips:
With Gratitude,